Reading through J. Goldberg's Writing Down the Bones, I found some enlightenment. I first thought that the reading would be non-helpful and worthless, but I was gravely mistaken. The first thing that spoke to me was her "First Thoughts" section. When she listed the five things we "must commit [ourselves] to" while writing, I realized that I do not normally abide by them. After reading this, I plan to do so. If I were to summarize the five points it would be like this: No matter what keep writing, don't stop for errors, just have the writing flow out of you without thinking. Just go hard at it and don't quit till you are finished.
Another thing that intrigued me was the fact that she said we need to practice our writing. I had never had that cross my mind. Ever. But after thinking about it, it makes sense. Just like with the sports I played in high school or playing the piano, practice makes perfect. I've decided because of this to make sure I write something at least once a day.
Goldberg's section about having a list of things to write about surprised me. I normally just write about whatever comes to my mind. But having a list to choose from is smart because whenever a new idea comes to my head I can write it down and finish what I am working on currently. Normally when a new idea flies into my brain, I normally drop whatever I am working on to start this new idea. But with the idea of the list I can finish and do all the ideas that come into my head.
In the list section, one of her options of things to write about caught my eye. This option was to write about people you have loved. I never thought about writing about that because it was so personal. But that is why I should because passion can create beautiful masterpieces of work.
These are the reasons why I am now excited about this semester in this class.
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